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  Port Information


Korean Port Information





  Yosu is located on the south coast of Korea, about 166.8km by sea southwest of Pusan. Yosu port is one of the important harbours on the south coast of Korea, and consists of two harbours of new and old. The new harbour lies at the southeastern end of Yosu Bay. The old harbour occupies the northern part of Yosu strait, the narrow and partly shoal passage which separates the northern and Tolsan-Do from the southeast part of Yosu peninsula. The principal port facilities 

  Yosu Bay, and extensive inlet, lies between the western side of Namhae-Do and Yosu Bando, a high peninsula to the westward. The rugged west coast on Namhae-Do forms the eastern side of Yosu Bay. 
Dolsan-Do, a long island almost joined to the southeastern point of Yosu peninsula, forms the southwestern side of the entrance to the inlet. Entrance is about 14.8km wide between the southern point of Namhae-Do and the southern end of Dolsan-Do. 
Southern Approach Kumpu islands, a group consisting of three islands and a number of islets and rocks extending about 16.7km, north and south, on the most western island of the group, lies with its southern extremity about 9.27km westward of Chak-Do (H.O.Chart 5458). 
Sori-Do is about 5.56km long, north and south, and its southern end is surmounted by a conspicuous pyramidal peak, 256km high. The coasts of the island are mainly bold and cliffy, the light house, its steep southeastern point, is low and salient. A light is shown from white hexagonal concrete structure, 9.1m high, situated near the southern extremity of Sori-Do. 
Fog signals are made by siren or bell at the light structure. Dolsan-Do on the southwestern side of the entrance Yosu Bay, is an irregular island with ragged hills rising inland (H.O. Chart 5456). A light is shown on Dolsan-Do from a position about 1,853m southwestward of U-Am, a steep rock white in color, and 5.5m high, lies near the fairway of the northeastern side of Doland-Do, in a position about 926m from the shore and 13.9km northward of Kama-Gak, the southeastern point of Dolsan-Do. The northern harbour, used for ocean point vessels, is entered on the northern side of Yosu Strait. A light is shown form the summit of Odong-Do. A lighted buoy, painted black is moored a little less than 962m northward of Odong-Do light.
From the entrance of Yosu Port the rugged east coast of Yosu peninsula trends about 13km northward to Nakpo-Gak, the steep and cliffy northeastern point of the peninsula.

  Kanyo Am(H.O. Chart 3240), the outermost danger in the southern approach to Yosu bay, is situated about 14.8km south-southeastward of Sori-Do Light, and about the same distance south westward of Chark-Do. Chark-Do steep islet, 106m high, lies about 9.27km eastward of the southern extremity of Sori-Do. Islets and rocks lie off the northeastern coast of Kum-Do to a distance of about 3.15km, the outermost of these dangers being a group of rocks 21.9m high. Yang-am, a rock that uncovers 2.7m is located about 3.15km north westward of U-Am, and about 926m eastward of Odong-Do (island).


At Yosu port the mean high water interval is 8hrs 41 min : mean spring rise 3.29m, neap rise 2.38m. Tidal currents are negligible in new harbour. In Yosu Strait (approach to south harbour), the tidal currents, at times, reach a velocity of 4 knots on the ebb and 2½ knots on the flood. Off Yosu port, in the southern part of Yosu Bay, the flood current generally sets to the north and the ebb to south, the velocity being about 1 knot. Slack water occurs about ½ to 1 hour after high and low water. 
Yosu is in the typhoon belt and usually experiences about 2 typhoons a year. In spring the prevailing winds are southerly and in winter westerly. A heavy sea may be raised strong easterly winds in summer and autumn. Rainfall is considerable from July through September, and there is some snow during January and February. The annual precipitation averages 1.33m. Storm signals are displayed at the southern harbour of Yosu port.

  Pilotage is compulsory : Fourteen(14) pilots are available and they board the entering ship at north of Odong-Do. Pilot pick up point is 34°39′N, 127°58 E for over 13m draft vessels and 34°43.6′N, 127°48.2′E for under 13m draft vessels. Pilot cable address is Pilot Yosu and contacting VHF Ch. 14 and 16.

  The port is administered by Yosu District Maritime and Port Authority(KMPA, Yosu) Quarantine, immigration, customs, harbour police and other normal port services are available.

  A Quarantine anchorages has been designated at approximate above pilot station.


The limits of the new harbour is defined by a line extending from the northeast side Odong-Do northwestward to the shore. The limits of the old harbour is defined by a line extending from the southeast side of Odong-Do westnorthwestward to Tolsan-Do, and across the passage south of Changgun-Do.

  The control factor in the approach to pier No.3 through new harbour channel is shallow depth about 7.3m. The old harbour entrance channel has a depth exceeding 12.2m about, gradually decreasing toward the heart of the harbour.


50-150tons of cranes are available by agents through local crane operators.

  Vessel can anchor as convenient in the new harbour, water in about 8.2 to 16.5m mud, in the area southward of the break-water linking the mainland with Odong-Do. Due to the fact that all port facilities for ocean going vessels are concentrated in the new harbour, vessel do not normally anchor elsewhere. 
The anchorage is exposed to the northeast and has no protection from adverse winds from that direction. 
In addition to the above there is unlimited anchorage, for vessels of all classes, within 3.7km of the harbour area. However, the available anchorage area of Yosu harbour exceeds, its port clearance capabilities. The bottom consisting of mud, sand and shells, provides good holding ground. 
Inner anchorage :
In the north harbour, there are total five(5) anchorages of the inner harbour for small-sized vessels of 1,000 to 10,000 G/T (depth about 8.2-10m).


Old berths : for small-sized vessels for handling Resin and General cargoes. 
Nakpo(Samil) General cargo pier : 4 berths for Fertilizer, Salt, and Material. There are 3units of shore loader and unloader where loading/discharging rate will be about 4,500 to 8,000 MT per day depends on ship's size and cargo. 
Others including Nakpo Pier for Chemical cargoes : There are prohibited bunkers and supply of fresh water duering loading and discharging of the cargo but excepted not dangerous cargo.
There are not allowed berthing and de-berthing of vessels during night time by the port regulations.